Here are a couple of items to check if the payment is not processing:
- Your pre-loaded gift card or debit card needs to have a Visa, Mastercard, or American Express logo.
- The amount on the pre-loaded gift card or debit card needs to have enough funds to cover the entire cost of the order. We are unable to split the payment between two methods of payment. If the funds on the pre-loaded gift card or debit card do not cover the order, the payment will decline.
- Ensure your card is registered. Registration instructions should have been included with the packaging or on the front/back of the card.
- Some cards require personal information be entered upon activation, including name and address. If your card doesn't require this but still offers the option within it's online portal, we recommend adding this information.
- When checking out on our store, you will reach the "payment method" screen after "shipping method." Make sure that the cardholder information matches the name to which the card is registered.
- Towards the bottom of the payment method screen, you'll see an area to enter your billing address. By default, this is marked as "same as shipping address." Whatever address you use, it must match the address to which the card is registered or the payment will decline, just like a normal credit or debit card.
- Many cards have both a 4-digit and 3-digit code on the back of the card. Make sure you are using the 3-digit code for the CVV.
If you're still having issues, you'll need to contact the company that issued the card for more information.